Friday, March 20, 2009

Who is YOUR hero?

This is my Aunt Marge and Uncle Bill. They spent many, many years in the jungles of Bolivia and Ecuador bringing God's Word to those who didn't have it in their language. Uncle Bill was a "jungle pilot," and Aunt Marge was a "hostess with the mostest" to whomever visited their compound in the jungle. That included presidents, generals, Americanos, and of course, the Indians who lived there. I believe Aunt Marge turns 90this June 3, but don't tell her I said so! I could tell you many, many family stories of my growing up around Aunt Marge and of WHY she is my hero-in-the-faith! But I am putting their photo here today to ask you to pray for them. Uncle Bill has numerous health issues, and so does Auntie Margie, who just learned she has breast cancer! She will learn in a couple weeks, which direction the medicos want to take, after the lumpectomy she had last week. Are they discouraged!? NO!? Their faith and determination to "keep on keeping on" are serving them well now as always. By the way, they live in the Wycliffe Bible Translators "retirement apartments" in Tucson now. "Retirement" in quotes because you've never seen more active retirees than those who live there! Thanks for your prayers for them.


  1. Thanks for sharing about this wonderful couple and their need to be covered with our prayers, especially right now!

  2. Thanks so much, Patty, and all of you who have answered via email.

  3. As I was on your blog again this morning, I realized that your hero and my hero have much in common. My greatest role model in ministry was an aunt and uncle, Art & Nellie Greer. They were my pastoral couple most of my growing up years, and I learned so much about ministry and being part of a ministry couple from them.

    Uncle Art, as LeRoi did, pastored Judson Baptist in San Bernardino. He is with the Lord now, but Aunt Nellie is alive and doing fairly well at 95, a precious woman of God. How they have blessed me through the years!

  4. Prayed for "Uncle Bill & Aunt Marge" today! Praise the Lord for their continued testimony of faith & obedience! May God raise up more like them who will serve Him with ALL their strength & all their heart. Blessings to you guys, LeRoy & Juanita! Love you both!
